Sunday 14 July 2013

ITV24HOURS Welcomes You!

Hi, Greetings for the Day!

Thanks for taking action in connecting with us. ITV24HOURS Welcomes You! The Price of Question About Your Life! ITV24HOURS works towards what people wants.

ITV24HOURS is a good mixture of traditional and modern cultures of Film and TV Making for Web - Virtual TV Channel, based in India. ITV24HOURS is committed in doing productions for its WEB-TV broadcasting various long list of programs.

ITV24HOURS is inviting all interested to join the WEB-TV Productions and start their Film & TV Career and test their  talents and skills.

ITV24HOURS  having group professionals working withus, will be bring new scripts to screenplays and shoot the best programs, comedy, songs, serials, shortfilms, low budget movies, regional movies in different languages, documentaries on social issues, family welfare programs, women based programs, health, education, business based with commercial advertisements which will be hosted and telecasted in and also circulated to various TV Channels and other medias.

Most of the people across the globe are searching on web for any small requirement to big on internet and also more and more for pleasure of entertainment. People from different parts of the world will be seeing WWW.ITV24HOURS.COM. Our Films and Videos will be given rating and grading.

100% Opportunities will be given to all the members of ITV24HOURS. Become one of the member in ITV24HOURS Family and book in advance your dream roles in coming future.

Members profiles will be placed in ITV24HOURS.COM website which is another advantage for getting notified by the world film and tv production personalities, and having greater scope for getting opportunities. ITV24HOURS feels pleasure in sharing the profiles of all members to the Film and TV personalities and generate the demand and opportunities for its members. ITV24HOURS stand forward in helping all age groups strike a balance in their acting career.

Many lifes are like floating boats in the oceans of blowing water, helpless conditions. Untill and unless find a place to get on. This the story of real-side view of complex lives and challenges of everyone and everyday! Take a few seconds. Read our letter and understand your inner talents, skills and respond.

In Film & TV Opportunities are not regular, Artists face problems in get opportunities one after another. Same producer or director will not make immediate shooting again. Artists has to search again a role with some other producer and director, it will take longer time. 50% of valuable time will get wasted in searching and waiting. With ITV24HOURS, Every Artist will have non-stop programs and they will be busy with ITV24HOURS Production Group Always, This is another great Advantage you will enjoy by working with ITV24HOURS.

We can relate to people from all walks of life. It is not always age or experience that counts but one's learning and helping and ability and attitude. Sometimes, you have to do something wonderful. What makes you special is what you make possible. Take the first step towards your dreams. Having simple outlook to life and very basic values, understanding people better in work places can easily get your dreams come true with blend of ITV24HOURS.COM

We are trying from our end to fulfill small needs of the people.
Furthermore, If you LOVE to take on challenges, the more difficult you do it, then you will accomplish something in life.

Great people will like to be in Total Freedom, rise their highest creativity and that is why people reject the JOBS and follow their own liked lined professions and work on their own. Fly to great height of life. Let's together reach the path of success. Come, Act Now! Join ITV24HOURS Today! And make all special advantages work for you. Capture the True Spirit of ITV24HOURS.

ITV24HOURS strongly believes, still you are very young and a life in front to experience and learn from. Life will teach you not to judge, but to keep learning and helping people and that's the way you keeping growing.

Start exploring your Inner SELF & also big money dreams. Shortly you will be the top of numbers. It's all about grasping concepts. Open up your eyes. Our Innovations, Your Experience will bring celebrations into life.

Send your Biodata and Photographs to Email:

You are Special to ITV24HOURS,
We Wish You All The Best!

With warm regards,


ITV24HOURS you will discover your real talents

ITV24HOURS You Will Discover Your Real Talents

INTERNET, opened a world of opportunities of career and income. We can make most of this platform. Huge percentage is on INTERNET. Recent days INTERNET became Small Silver Screen.

ITV24HOURS is a International WEB TV its also on Facebook, Twitter social networkings. Countries like Canada, Singapore, Austrilia, Malaysia, America etc knows ITV24HOURS.

Your own thoughts are worth than money. If you are unsure of your talents inside you, Just Join ITV24HOURS. Institute trainings are too costly. At ITV24HOURS you will discover your real talents inside you. You will need to prove your talents that no one else can, or provide it in a way that is better than others.

Before you want to become something, you need to join with the sources which will promote you. if you want to earn money from it, you will have to work hard.  You need to be regular and prompt in the physical realm, don't despair
If you have honed your skills and are confident about what you.

Actors are high demand across the world and many people are trying exclusively for this segment.

Make sure, too, that you approach the negotiations with a spirit of collaboration. Be willing to compromise and realize that you're not going to get 100% of what you really want. Instead, aim for a win-win.

How about you? Do you find it difficult to pull back and let you learn from your own experiences -- even mistakes? If you share a similar struggle.

You don't have to wait until you get a good life. Join and make your life as you want. You many not change your fate, but definitely you can make a better future for yourself.

ITV24HOURS is offering financial future, Register with ITV24HOURS and you are eligible for 30% Direct Commission the total amount paid by your reference. Explosive New Web TV Based Business. No Age Limit, No Educational Qualifications required. Anybody can join and earn. Excellent Profit Margins.

Home based WEB-TV business is the business that would provide you the best of the both worlds – you enjoy being your own boss and at the same time you also give your full effort in your work while taking all the important decisions relating to your work in Join New Members to our WEB-TV. Though it is quite easy to start a home based WEB-TV business, however, it always requires proper planning, monitoring, and hard working for becoming successful in your business. However, your good ideas only help you in planning your activities. It will guide you through your journey, but it's entirely up to your capability and hard work, which will lead you to the success.

The rapid growth of Internet has made it a fruitful medium to do business and earn some money. you have a lot of scopes in this field. Join and Start Earning with ITV24HOURS Start your business in the area that you love most and understand the business process as well as the sector in detail. A systematic measurement process and a plan
at a great extent and also prove to be helpful in the long run. Building networks is extremely important for the growth of business. Always try to extend your business network. It'll bring more success to you. It is always good to have a trustworthy mentor who will continuously provide you WEB-TV business and will also guide you.

Always remember “The only constant thing in this world is the Change”.
Take a change, take good decision. Act Now! JOIN NOW! Start Earning.

It's easy to begin your career with ITV24HOURS. If you really didn't want a JOB, If you want to work for yourself. ITV24HOURS is always for you to work independently. It gives you flexibility to do all the other things you want to do in your life. You work whenever you have things to do, and when you don't, it's all free time. The other advantage is the ability to balance your family and career. Avoid wasting time on what doesn't matter. Join ITV24HOURS  Now! By joining ITV24HOURS you will feel productive, inspired, efficient in your way. Be proud that you have the freedom to choose where and how you work.

Every day by creating great things, having amazing ideas and making lasting connections from it. Earning extra cash is something we all need to do in today's economy. Find something you love that's in demand.

Contact Us Today:
Send your Biodata and photographs to Email:

ITV24HOURS.COM is offering you a solid, respectable, truly high-class Film & TV opportunity

ITV24HOURS.COM is offering you a solid, respectable, truly high-class Film & TV opportunity. 

Please take few minutes to read the ITV24HOURS details carefully. It can change the rest of your life.Some Of Important Details About ITV24HOURS & The Work For Which You Are Always Curious To Know Are As Follows:PLACE OF WORK: Most of the shooting works done in Hyderabad. Any shooting done in any other place, Boarding + travelling + food expences will taken by the ITV24HOURS Management.Qualification & Age: No Age & Qualifications are required, Speaking in telugu / hindi / english etc, and having interest in Acting. Any Age Group and without any qualifications are also can join ITV24HOURS.

About the Shooting Projects:
ITV24HOURS  Team brings new scripts to screenplays and shoot the best programs, comedy, songs, serials, shortfilms, low budget movies, regional movies in different languages, documentaries on social issues, family welfare programs, women based programs, health, education, business based with commercial advertisements which will be hosted and telecasted in and also circulated to various TV Channels and other medias.

Who Will See ITV24HOURS:
Western Countries like America, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Austrilia etc Asian Countries like Japan, China, Korea etc. Gulf Countries like Dubai, Sudan, Irak, Oman, Greek etc. Indians (NRI's) Settled in Other Countries. ITV24HOURS is spread to world. ITV24HOURS, advertising and promotion world wide, having viewers across the globe.Film & TV one of the world’s largest India’s fastest growing and most exciting businesses. Where in Productions are making big profits consistently.

Internet has opened up a whole new world of Film & TV possibilities for entertainment. With web most of the productions are making billions of business on internet. Aiming for raises the quality of everyday living. It only a common sense that you get in on the action.

Weeks and Months, you can prepare for the growing demand. Our Team of Directors will train you in all aspects of Shootings.

You gain credibility. You will be watched by the people across the world, it takes less time to get name in the industry.  You get world exposure to millions around the world.

We don't charge anything from the members. We only Charge Member Registration Fees which is expensible for Photo & Video Shoot for Screen Test. Our fees are nominal. Other then Registration Fee we will not charge any.

A simplistic way to get rich in life is FILM & TV industry. most of the other fields leaves you disappointed. Planning your career with ITV24HOURS make big difference in your life. All you have to do is to show your talents. ITV24HOURS we are unique-and unavailable.

ITV24HOURS see differences as an advantage, we seek diversity in teams and work hard to get different perspectives. We naturally encourage all our members along with global promoting teamwork.We encourage the involvement of all members in turn feel comfortable about offering suggestions and challenging ideas or practices. ITV24HOURS being open to new ideas, we listen to different perspectives and encouraging problem solving. ITV24HOURS encourage your participation.


Welcome to ITV24HOURS.COM, India. International Prestigious WEB-TV

In Just Moments You'll Discover...An Amazingly Easy Way to Building Career in Film & TV ... And It's FREE!

100% Chance for REGISTER MEMBERS

Films | TV | ShortFilms | Comedy | Video Albums | Drama |
Programs | Advertisements | Songs | Dance | Jokes | Documentaries and many more...

Over 90% of people attempting to earn an income through JOB, keep making the same mistakes that will kill their time, age, faster than they can build it. Why?

Most of the firms treat the employees as Work Machines and they only use and treat just like machines. You know why you are failing again and again. Once you come out of your mistakes and start making & building your career interested line & make successful growing income.

It's a talent most people don't have and don't want... Not Interested too...You definitely FAIL, if you are trying to do something your are not interested
and never enjoyed. READ, You will not believe, but its really easy...
Never ever again worry about your FUTURE, its all taken care by ITV24HOURS.
Attractive hot prospects you WILL sign up.
If You’ve Ever Tried to Make Money by ITV24HOURS,
You MUST Help Yourself to this Breakthrough Strategy - Absolutely FREE!...
Eliminate The Deadly Mistakes, That Make You Fail 100%.

Become ACTOR of International Prestigious WEB-TV Prove your talents to the world of Entertainment!
ITV24HOURS Makes you to REACH Hundreds of Millions, a reach that spreads across the WORLD!

Just REGISTER and Get Started!  Join by Depositing TODAY! Join & Start ACTING  Join the

Submit your BIODAT & PHOTOS to our Email & and avail free Screen Test, Photo Shoot and video Shoot absolutely free.

Limited Registration Availabe! Hurry Up!

For any assistance & help please feel free to write to us. Email: